Friday, April 30, 2010


This week's episode of Glee got me thinking about home. It was saying that your world can feel out of control when your home is tampered with or when home isn't well defined for you.

As an Air Force brat and now an Army wife home has always been about people, not place. When I was a kid as long as my brother and sister were with me I knew I was home. But now, living as a foreigner 4,000 miles away from my family and 3,000 miles away from my husband currently people no longer define home.

Image via weheartit

What I'm saying is that if home is where the heart is then I'm out of place.

But the thing is, I love my house. When I'm in the States all I can think about is going "home" to Italy. When I'm in Italy I miss "home" the US.

What does home mean for y'all?

1 comment:

  1. Oklahoma will always be "home" in my mind, even though I've lived in Mississippi longer than I did back home.


You are a lovely person.