Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wii throw down

This man below is a pro at smack talk. I got emails at work in the middle of the day about how he runs a bowling club for kids and how he could beat me at Wii bowling no problem. Email after email, meeting in the hall one time after another basically saying to me, "Bring it."

It was brought.
the victor
I work for CYS. It's a big world wide, Army supporting company. I really like working for them. I'm pretty sure some of the reason is because of people like Tom. Tom is a 62 year old, tennis playing, fun loving, veteran and CYS employee.
waiting on the bench

Since Tom is a tennis champ, he thought it would be fun to challenge me and 2 other Army wives to a Wii Sports off. Oh, Tom. Wii isn't like real sports.

Bring it on.


He did get a knock out on Brooke in round one. But she came back to beat him in boxing 3 knock outs to one.

intense boxing
Cecilia beat him 2 out of three in tennis. Which I think really got him down, being a tennis champ and all.

she wins!

I bowled a 190 to his 122. He was such a good sport and agreed to another match soon. (I'll bring my camera for bigger pictures next time, too.)


  1. LOL! I love this. Would've cherished being a fly on the wall to listen/watch this extravaganza.

  2. we have a wii too. i am just awful. truly bad. but it's always fun. your pics are so cute/hilarious;)


You are a lovely person.