Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ciao 2010!

I spent the first half of yesterday relaxing and journaling and welcoming 2010. The second part of the day I spent rumping through Venice. I hope that yesterday is representative of how 2010 treats me. Quiet, reflective and adventurous, observing.

Venice is still bearing a fair amount of their Christmas lights.
venice lights 5

rialto lights

A lot of the stores were closed because they were observing the new year holiday (as you can see of this picture taken on the Rialto bridge.

rialto 4


Welcome 2010. I can't wait to start our adventure together.


  1. Sounds like a great way to spend 2010 :)

  2. Happy New Year! Looks like you spent a wonderful day. I did a bit of journaling yesterday too. I always like to start the year that way :)

  3. Happy Happy New Year! You did so much in 2009 too (from last post). Wishing you a great 2010! - mary


You are a lovely person.